Action Plan:
Facility Management
Provision of Hand Sanitizer and gloves for Housekeeping Staff
Adequate Hand Sanitizer to be provided to the respective Block-In-Charge, who in turn must maintain a record of issuing v/s usage
Provision of Soaps
Adequate Soap to be provided to the respective Block-In-Charge, who in turn must maintain a record of issuing v/s usage
Provision of:
Provision of liquid soap to the respective Block-In-Charge who in turn must maintain a record of issuing v/s usage
Installation of hand dryers in key locations
Ensuring the availability of both Hot and Cold water in all the buildings/ blocks
Securing the availability of masks and sanitizers for sale in the Central Block stationery and Reprographics shop
Provision of Sanitizer Spray
Adequate Sanitizer Spray to be provided to the respective Block-In-Charge who in turn must maintain a record of issuing v/s usage
Sanitizer Spray to be provided to the university vehicle drivers
Stand-operated sanitizer to be provided to all Block entrances, all Main entrances and all Health Centres of the Campus
Offices -Sanitizer spray for all offices
Sanitization of Classrooms
Daily Sanitization by Housekeeping Staff and fumigation in case of reported COVID suspect (To be supervised)
Sanitization of offices
Daily - to be supervised (heads of offices to appoint their own person to take responsibility)
Sanitization of :
ATMS, Water Coolers and all High Touch Surfaces
Daily Sanitization by Housekeeping Staff and fumigation in case of reported COVID suspect (To be supervised)
Fumigation of Campus
Daily fumigation of campus for Dengue and COVID-19
Inspection of Restrooms
Rooms to be sanitized thrice daily by Housekeeping Staff
Random Spot-Inspection of restrooms to be done when possible and problems, if any, to be reported
Transport vehicle
Daily Sanitization by bus-in-charge: There shall be provision for disinfection at-least twice a day of the interior of the vehicle using 1% sodium hypochlorite solution/spray.
A proper disinfection of frequently touched surfaces i.e. steering, door handles, keys, etc. should be taken up.
Weekly wash of the vehicle
Periodic spot-inspection to be done and problems, if any, to be reported
Install markings in front of:
Markings to denote standing, using stickers, shall be made at the following locations: Bio metrics machines, cafeterias, ATM machines, stationery shops, lifts, etc to avoid overcrowding
Markings indicating seating arrangement to be made by the respective block-in-charge
The Block in-charge must make the required markings using stickers before students enter, to indicate this arrangement.
This is to be done taking into account the current requirements of adequate physical distancing