Action Plan:


Spend a moment’s silence for loved ones lost to COVID-19

Ice Breaking Session

  • Invite students to share their stories

  • Feelings during the lock down

  • Feelings about online class

  • Feelings about the pandemic in general

  • Focus on depression, anxiety, domestic abuse, relationships (family/classmates/intimate), academic challenges, financial constraints faced by the family

Truth about the Pandemic

Tell the students that though the pandemic curve in India has fallen sharply, we still need to be careful, as it is not over yet.

University's Safety Measures

Tell the students that the University is taking every possible precaution to prevent the spread of COVID. This includes

  • Daily sweeping and wet mopping of all room floors with a disinfectant soap solution.

  • Twice daily - sanitizing of all classrooms, lifts and washrooms

  • Twice Daily - sanitizing of all high touch surfaces

  • Daily cleaning of the transporting vehicles and spraying of its interior with disinfectants

  • Weekly disinfecting of all faculty cabins, meeting rooms, offices, canteens

  • Twice daily- fumigation of campus outdoors

  • Monthly fumigation of interior of all buildings of the University

Symptom check

Please read out the following symptoms and ask any student having them to go home and follow the COVID-19 suspect protocols. Ask for the following symptoms:

  • Most common symptoms: Fever, dry cough, tiredness, loss of taste or smell

  • Less common symptoms: Aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, a rash on skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes.

  • Serious symptoms: Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain or pressure, loss of speech or movement

Reporting of cases

Remind students to report to the class teacher or respective Counsellor, via telephone or email, if any of their classmates are sick or if they themselves have been in contact with a COVID suspect/positive case.

COVID 19 Guidelines

Please remind them of the COVID-19 Guidelines:

  • Physical distancing ( at least 6 ft)

  • Face Masks: Use of face covers/masks at all times. They must be worn properly to cover both nose and mouth. Touching the front portion of mask/face covers to be avoided. Advise students on washing their reusable masks daily (soap and water, sun-dry if possible)

  • Respiratory hygiene: Strict practice of covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing of used tissues properly

  • Hand hygiene: Washing with soap for at least 40-60 seconds even when hands are not visibly dirty and/or use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers for at least 20 seconds. Encourage students to carry their own sanitizers (to use while travel, etc) Encourage students to carry their own sanitizers (to use while travel, etc)

  • Self-monitoring of health by all and reporting any illness at the earliest to the class teacher/counsellor.

Counsellors & Health Centre

Please provide your name and extension number and assure the student that they can safely reach out if facing any challenges: Specifically mention :

  • Panic attacks

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Other mental health disorders

  • Family health/financial issues

  • Problems with adjusting to new friends

  • Isolation in class

  • Other health issues

  • Needing first aid

Exercise & Nutritious diet

These will help boost immunity and reduce the risk of serious illness. Counsel students on the benefits of consuming vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, Zinc and Vitamin D, and other supplements, as suggested by the World Health Organisation, to boost immunity

  • UltraD - 6k tabs (containing 6,000 IU of vit D) 1 tab daily

  • Zincovit/Zinconia/Zincolak (containing 50mg zinc) 1 tab daily

  • Limcee/ ChewCee (containing 500 mg of vitC) chew 1 tab daily

Home after Class

  • Encourage all to go straight home after class.

  • Please specifically mention no gathering/ loitering in groups in hallways, stairways, near lifts or in the parking lots.

Avoid Social Gathering

  • Encourage the students not to go to pubs/restaurants especially in groups.

  • Remind them that all the safety precautions taken within campus are of little use if they do not follow a similar regimen outside the campus.

  • Urge them to avoid crowded restaurants/ pubs / closed spaces

After Reporting ?

If any case/ suspected case is reported follow the steps:

  • Protocol management team (PMT) to be informed. (Annexure A)

  • Contacts to be traced and quarantined.

  • Parents to be informed.